P2. City Museum
Yeldeğirmeni, Kadıköy I 2014-2015 Spring I Ins. Zeynep Yazıcıoğlu Halu

A building block in Rasimpaşa Neighborhood, which is also known as Yeldeğirmeni, was chosen as the project area. The Yeldeğirmeni area consists of building blocks with common courtyards. It is a neighborhood where people of different races and religions have lived together throughout history and are under protection with this value. The region was created with a grid plan type and the apartments are arranged as row houses. So, the direction of the building blocks is formed to protect against the wind. The project started with the idea of continuing these characteristic features of the region. The new city museum was designed around the trees to preserve the courtyard. In addition, the museum building was divided into two buildings according to different functions so that the courtyard could be perceived from the streets.

Firstly, the buildings that need to be protected on the building block were identified. Then, the necessary area was calculated according to the given requirement list of the museum and the locations of the new masses to be created were determined. In the design of the new building, the historical buildings around the block were taken into consideration.
The entrance of the museum mass was withdrawn considering the Greek School in the north and a square was created outside. The south of the building was narrowed to the level of the historical bakery. The circulation separating the entrance and exhibition units was designed transparent and a visual relationship was created between the street and the courtyard. The cafe was shaped based on the Sünget Apartment, which is across the street. The ground floor of the cafe was elevated on columns and a semi-open space was created on the ground floor, thus establishing a visual relationship between history and the green in the courtyard. On the upper floor, wooden solar control elements were used as in the exhibition units in the museum. Some gaps were created in the roofs to let daylight into the concrete masses.
There is a 4.5 meter level difference in the direction where the museum building is located. This level difference was overcome with the ramps. The building entrance was raised 1.5 meters with stairs and a ramp. Then, the remaining 3-meter level difference was resolved with three ramps placed on the main axis of the building. A transparent circulation was created on the first ramp inside the building and the exhibition units were attached to the other two ramps from both sides. The ramp flooring system used on the ground floor was also repeated on the upper floors. The cores were located at both ends of the ramps. An emergency exit has been added to the south end of the museum so this place provides access to the cafe and the cinevisions on the top floor.
This project was created as an architecture undergraduate education studio project at Yeditepe University.
Thanks for your time. 

p2. city museum

p2. city museum
